You’re Invited!

Sunday, August 18th – 10am


We’ve got a great morning planned to celebrate the animal friends in our lives. God is so good! We’ll gather out on the lawn (so bring a chair) for worship together and an inspiring message. Bring you furry friends if you like (and your human ones). We’ll have chairs if you need them, and shade, and pavement, if you don’t feel comfortable walking on the grass.

Picnic Lunch & Pet fair


After worship, we’ll feast together with a picnic lunch. It’s all free! The Pet Fair is going to be amazing with many different groups like Woods Humane Society and the Golden’s Rescue Group, Vets, Trainers, Groomers & more.

Do you want to be a part of the Pet Fair? Email Pastor Greg here

Help us spread the word on Facebook here

Download the flyer here