Join us for worship on Sundays

9:30am Contemporary Worship with KidsChurch

11am Traditional Worship

Our Vision


Encounter Jesus.  Experience Family.  Embrace the Broken.



We are made to be in relationship with God.  Our loving Heavenly Father sent his son, Jesus, so we could know him. This UP dimension of our lives helps us focus on what matters most.  At Saint John’s we love to worship and celebrate who God is and what he’s doing in our lives.



Life is hard and we need support. God gives us a spiritual family to help us in times of need and to equip us to serve well.  If we’re going to grow in faith, we need brothers and sisters who will love us and challenge us.  This IN dimension of our lives helps us stop flying solo and realize how connected we really are.


the Broken

There are so many people hurting all around us, all the time.  There are so many needs. God calls us to this OUT dimension of our lives to make a difference by serving and sharing our faith in Jesus’ name.  We give of ourselves to the lost, the least, and the last. God has not forgotten you and we won’t either.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

-Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20

Worship Life

We’re saving a spot for you


Our Usual Worship Schedule

9:30am (Contemporary) and 11am (Traditional)

KidsChurch at 9:30am (except for the first Sunday of the month).

Nursery care is available for kids Kindergarten and under every Sunday.

We celebrate Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) on the first and third Sundays.

All are welcome! Dress up or come casual. Just come!


Videos, Newsletters, Handouts

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,

if you have love for one another.

-Jesus in John 13:35


Life is Better Together

There’s a place for you here


Sunday KidsChurch is back. Kids begin in worship and then head to KidsChurch after a brief message for the children. Questions? Email Cindi here

Jr. & Sr. High Youth

Join us for Sunday Night Youth Group. We have some wonderful monthly activities and service opportunities as well.  Check in with Cindi here.

Men’s Breakfast

Join us on the first Saturday of the month for a time of fellowship and food. Interested? email Pastor Greg here.




Tuesday Bible Study

Pastor Greg leads this weekly Bible Study Tuesday mornings at 10am. We meet in-person and online for those who prefer to stay home. We start up again on September 10th. Email Greg here for more info.

Congregational Care

As a family, we work hard to take care of each other.  When one is hurting, we all hurt.  The Body of Christ makes an enormous difference when we go through tough times. We also have a one-on-one Care ministry called Stephen’s Ministry.  Click here for more info.

Music Groups

Our Music groups are up and running.  We love our upbeat choir, joyous handbells, and special music most Sundays. Our worship teams work hard in-person and online to lead us in worship each week.

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

-Jesus in Mark 12:31


Serving Together

Make your life count

People’s Kitchen

& Food Pantry 

Every month we collect food for our local food pantry (and sometimes for our sister church in Santa Maria, Iglesia Luterana Santa Cruz). We also serve a meal at the People’s Kitchen in Grover Beach.

Zozu Project

in Uganda

We help with a school in Arua, Uganda called Solid Rock Christain School.  We sponsor kids and even take trips over there to help out.  Find out more here.

Recovery Groups

& More

We have outside groups at Saint John’s for different addictions.  Right now many of the groups are meeting online only.  Call for more info.

Lots of ways to serve. What is God calling you to do?

to equip the saints for the work of ministry,

for building up the body of Christ

-Paul in Ephesians 4:12


Meet the Team

Greg Wallace


Cindi Wallace

Children & Youth Ministries Director


Pam Glenn

Office Manager & Dress-a-Girl Coordinator

Cal Wood

Songfest Director

Janice Goodwin

Music Coordinator

Shari Bowman

Choir & Bell Director 

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Dawn Russ


Lydia Wallace Children’s Ministry Intern

Matthew Harter Student Ministry Intern

Barbara Howard
Assistant Office Manager

Get in Touch

We’re here for you

Church Campus

Saint John’s Lutheran Church
959 Valley Rd
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Phone & Fax

Telephone (805) 489-1259
Fax (805) 489-8719

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm  
Fridays: Closed

Emails & Prayer Requests



Come and join us for Worship!


Giving at Saint John’s

Financial giving is an act of worship

Your support makes a huge difference

People have been asking how they can keep giving financially even if they can’t make it on Sundays. Thank you so much for your financial support. If you’re able to keep giving, please do so.  If you’re not able, of course, we totally understand. If you have needs we can help with, please get in touch. –Greg

Giving by Mail

You can mail a check to:
Saint John’s Lutheran Church
959 Valley Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Giving via Online Bill Pay through your bank

If you pay your bills online through your bank’s website, you can simply add Saint John’s as a “payee” and we’ll receive your contribution. Use the church address and phone (805) 489-1259.

Giving via Simply Giving

A very convenient way to give is through our Simply Giving program. You fill out a form and empower Simply Giving to make a weekly/monthly automatic withdrawal from your checking account. Email us in the office ( and we’ll send you the form.

Giving Online